Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Baby!!!

We just had the 20 week ultrasound today, here are a few pictures of the baby. The due date is December 25th. And for those of you wondering if it is a boy or girl, you can keep on wondering. We haven't found out on the previous two and we are not going to find out on this one. We need to have some surprises in life... And don't give me the, "it's a surprise when you find out at the ultrasound" or "what are you going to do for clothes if you don't find out". Those are just weak excuses. (We have some upset Grandparents that sent monetary bribes to the ultrasound tech, but were unsuccessful.)

Ella and Ashley keep referring to the baby as a boy... I don't think they understand that we don't have a lot of say in the matter. We took them both with us to the ultrasound... Ashley keep wanting to know when they were going to cut mom open and get the baby out. I don't think either one of them were impressed with the picture quality.

I think we are all hoping for a boy
. We definitely have enough barbie's in our house and I don't think Jana or I can handle any more drama. I can't imagine having another girl, I would most likely have to live outside in a tent. But as long as the baby's healthy, we don't care what it is.

The side shot

The Foot (all 5 toes, we counted)

Good shot of the hand

Side profile shot

A picture of the face. We had a hard time getting the baby to put its arms down.


Kami said...

He looks just like you Jana!

Ashlee said...

So fun! I am so happy for you! Thanks for the phone call today, I really needed the "adult conversation". I miss you. Talk to you soon.